Can I Transform my Climbing and Body Without Traditional Training like Weightlifting and Hangboarding?

Today marks the end of week 1 in my new training regimen, a path less trodden in the climbing world. Instead of the typical mix of weightlifting, cardio, and hangboarding, I’ve exclusively engaged in on-the-wall climbing drills from my book, ‘77 Drills to Help You Climb Better.’

These drills span skills, techniques, strength, and endurance—ensuring a comprehensive approach to climbing fitness while keeping the process enjoyable and engaging.

I opted for climbing-based exercises as they resonate with why I started climbing: to avoid the monotony and impersonal nature of traditional gyms and to escape the often judgmental gym culture.

Climbing captivates both my mind and body, offering a dynamic workout that varies with each session and involves constant problem-solving.

My goals are twofold: to break into new climbing grades—targeting a V8 or even a V9—and to sculpt my physique, particularly aiming for chiseled abs, arms, and shoulders.

This would not only boost my climbing performance but also my self-confidence.

Previously, my training was sporadic, mixing some climbing drills with occasional weight exercises like deadlifts and pull-ups. However, I struggled with consistency, often choosing to tackle challenging routes with friends over structured workouts.

This new regimen is a commitment to myself—to show up consistently and see where a focused, climbing-centric approach can take me.

But first, why am I doing this now?

As I approach the milestone of turning 30, I find myself at a crossroads that many might recognize—a juncture marked by the gradual yet unmistakable signals from my body that it’s time to reassess the carefree lifestyle of my twenties.

Gone are the days of late nights, unchecked indulgence in dining out, and sidelining consistent exercise without evident consequences.

Today, as I face the mirror, the added weight and the stark visibility of extra fat around my lower back and belly are not just reminders of passed times but a call to action. This isn’t merely about aesthetics; it’s about functionality and the ability to continue my climbing adventures without the looming threat of injuries or fatigue.

With my 30s beckoning, I’m spurred by a desire not just to reclaim but to redefine my health through the lens of what I love most—climbing. This journey is about proving that transformation can happen at any age and that climbing can sculpt a body and fortify the spirit in ways traditional workouts might not touch.

Yet, as I stand poised to undertake this transformation, I’m gripped by a mix of excitement and fear—the possibility of change against the daunting question: What if it doesn’t work?

That’s a question that I don’t have a clear answer to yet.

What does this training regimen look like? and for how long?

At the core of my transformation journey is a commitment to consistent gym visits, targeting 3-4 sessions per week over the next year. This consistency is crucial to evaluate the effectiveness of my climbing-focused training regimen.

Each week is structured to balance intensity and enjoyment: two sessions are dedicated to strength and endurance drills, one to honing climbing techniques, and one reserved purely for fun—climbing without any structured training agenda.

For instance, this past week, I had to adapt by skipping my fun day due to fatigue, highlighting the need for flexibility in my schedule to prevent burnout and maintain motivation.

Accompanying me occasionally is my friend Darby, who joins in on strength days where we tackle specific drills like ‘hover hands and lock-offs’ and ‘toe-taps,’ which proved more challenging than expected, especially on grip strength.

This experience underscored the need to vary the drills; combining three different ones each session, except on fun days, ensures that no two workouts are the same—making the most out of the 77 drills in my repertoire.

To monitor my progress, I plan to track various metrics, from physical measurements like waist size and body fat percentage to performance benchmarks such as the Magnus Mitbo benchmark scale and proficiency in specific climbing techniques.

For example, improving my performance from needing breaks on a 40-foot 5.10a route where I completed the Toe-Taps drill to completing a 5.11a route using the same drill without pausing would mark a significant achievement.

My ‘Elevate Your Climbing’ training planner will be instrumental in this, allowing me to document each session and review monthly patterns to make necessary adjustments. This structured yet flexible approach ensures I can adapt to my body’s needs while pushing towards my ultimate goals of climbing prowess and physical transformation.

Join me on this journey – sharing this transformation publicly

Alongside pushing my physical and mental boundaries, I plan to share this transformative journey publicly.

The reasons are manifold: accountability, which I believe is crucial for consistency; the opportunity to inspire others considering similar paths; and the invaluable community feedback that comes from sharing one’s personal challenges and victories.

I will provide regular updates through my blog and supplement these with video content on YouTube and snapshots on Instagram, offering a comprehensive view of my progress.

Each platform will serve a different aspect of my story, from detailed reflections on my blog to real-time training snippets on social media.

Additionally, to make this journey interactive, I’ll engage with my followers through Q&A sessions and live streams, inviting you all to be a part of my transformation, every step of the way.

Deciding to share my transformation journey openly was not without its reservations.

The thought of exposing my struggles, setbacks, and personal life to the world brought a fair share of anxiety.

What if I don’t achieve the goals I’ve set? How will people react to my methods, or the pace of my progress?

These questions loomed large, mirroring the fears many face when stepping into the public eye. However, I realized that this vulnerability is precisely what makes sharing so powerful. It’s about not just showcasing victories but also the real, raw, and sometimes messy path of personal growth.

By documenting this process, I hope not only to hold myself accountable but also to foster a space where we can all learn from each other’s experiences—encouraging a candid dialogue about the highs and lows of pursuing such a deeply personal yet universally resonant goal.

How you can participate, if you want

As I embark on this transformative climbing journey, I invite each of you to join me—not just as spectators but as participants in this dialogue.

Whether you’re a climber, someone interested in fitness, or just curious about changing life habits, I hope my journey can offer insights and inspiration.

I encourage you to share your thoughts, advice, or questions in the comments below or on social media.

Let’s start a conversation that challenges us to grow and transform together. Stay tuned for weekly updates, and let’s see where this path leads!

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Sara Climbing Coach, Climbing Trainer, Writer
Sara is the founder of Send Edition, author of '77 Drills to Help You Climb Better,' the creator of 'Elevate Your Climbing: Training Planner and Tracker,' and climbing coach.
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