Why Do People Like Climbing?

When people ask climbers why they climb, they are usually wondering why they put themselves in a dangerous position on purpose. There is a separation between personal fulfillment and a selfish risk. For climbers, the danger or adrenaline rush from the risk of falling isn’t usually at the forefront of their minds while they are … Read more

What Affects How Climbing Shoes Fit?

If you are buying your first pair of climbing shoes, you may be wondering what affects how climbing shoes fit. What affects how climbing shoes fit? Climbing shoe sizes change based on many factors including brands, material, shoe shapes. As for brands, La Sportiva is commonly smaller than Madrock climbing shoes. As for material, leather … Read more

5-10 Minute Warm-Up For Climbing

Warming up before you start climbing is a great way to ensure that your muscles don’t get pumped prematurely and decrease your risk of injury. If you are trying to figure out what to do as a warmup, you’ll find 5 great ways to warm up your entire body (climbing is a full-body workout) below. … Read more